Gift Certificates from Canvas Replicas
Trying to decide on a stylish, unique and exciting gift? Give them art...a piece of art they have always wanted. With a gift certificate from Canvas Replicas, your special someone can have any painting, photo or image reproduced as a commissioned painting. This hand-painted, oil-on-canvas painting is a gift they will NEVER forgot and will enjoy for years to come. Whether it's a birthday, wedding, graduation, engagement or anniversary give them a painting from Canvas Replicas they will enjoy forever.
All of Canvas Replicas paintings are priced strictly according to size so you choose the size, the person receiving the certificate selects the painting. You can have the gift certificate and an announcement email sent to the recipient, or we can send it to you so you can surprise them yourself. Give them THE gift they will always remember.
As of February 1, 2017 PayPal has discontinued their Merchant Gift Certificate program for all vendors.
We regret the inconvenience. We now provide Canvas Replicas gift certificates directly to anyone.
Simple contact us via phone or email. We will provide you with the gift certificate including an
announcement letter and receipt. Our direct gift certificates have no expiration date, can be used with
any special offers or discounts, and there is no sales tax charge. You can find our contact information
Free shipping & handling worldwide
"Received Starry Night over St. Remy Thursday and I am truly impressed with the quality of your work. Every detail is absolutely perfect. You brought tears to my girlfriends eyes and it was a beautiful moment that I shall never forget." Matthieu L. ~ Montreal, Canada
Canvas Replicas ships internationally to countries including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Dubai UAE, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
All Rights Reserved to Canvas Replicas. 2016, 2017